Who is eligible to apply?

The UCIF will have no restrictions on who can submit ideas and potential innovations for consideration. Individuals and entities may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Students 
  • Farmer
  • Academic/Researcher
  • Refugee
  • For Profit Company
  • Joint Venture
  • Social Enterprise
  • Farmer Organisations
  • Business Association
  • Business Accelerator/Incubator
  • Financial Institution
  • Education / Training Organisation 
  • Woman or Women owned businesses
  • Refugee owned




Both startup and well-established businesses can apply, as can registered and non-registered businesses. There is no requirement to provide evidence of a history of operations. No financial history is required. 

Who is not eligible to apply?

Applications to the UCIF will be deemed ineligible if the funding is of benefit to an individual only; if the funding will be used for retroactive funding, debt retirement, or reserves; if the funding is for endowment grants; if the individual(s) and/or organisation(s) have been convicted of any criminal offense; if the individual(s) and or organisation(s) have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations in connection with a procurement procedure or other grant award procedure; if the individual(s) or the organisation(s) is owned by an employee or family member of the Climate Smart Jobs Programme; if there is credible evidence that the applicant discriminates against any group based on age, gender reassignment, disability, race, colour, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, religion, or belief; if individual is a politician; and/or if the organisation is a political party and government organisation.


What is the geographical scope of the Fund?